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The name of this organization shall be The Manchester Alliance.



The Manchester Alliance is a neighborhood association encompassing residents, businesses, and property owners that share common ideals and goals for the land and improvements defined by its physical boundaries. Those boundaries include the James River to the North and East, Maury Street to Commerce Road, Commerce Road to Hull Street and Hull Street to Cowardin to the South and Cowardin Avenue to the West. The common interests of the Manchester Alliance include, but are not limited to the following principles:

  • To support innovative, responsible development that is architecturally inspiring, sustainable and appropriate in scale and use.

  • To be advocates for the integrity of mixed-use and public amenities, while respecting the history of the neighborhood through quality renewal and restoration.

  • To endorse diverse, social, cultural and economic growth through a collaborative effort of area stakeholders and the City of Richmond.

  • To ensure a safe and inviting environment by means of avid communication among area stakeholders and the City of Richmond Police.



  1. Membership shall be open to everyone living or currently employed in, owning property, or owning a business within the Manchester Alliance boundaries.

  2. Each member shall have one vote.

  3. An up-to-date membership roster shall be maintained by the Secretary. The roster shall be available at each general meeting.



  1. The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice President, and Secretary. These three (3) officers, and six (6) Directors at Large. The Board of Directors shall meet regularly each month and at the call of the President. At each meeting of the Board of Directors, the agenda for the membership meeting which follows shall be prepared and approved by the Board. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be open to any current member of the Association on a non-voting basis.

  2. All persons nominated to office and holding office in the Association shall be members as defined in these by-laws. All persons elected to office in the Association shall maintain their membership status through their term of office.

  3. The President shall be the executive officer of the Association and the presiding officer at meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors.

  4. The President may represent the Association at civic and other public functions. The President shall act as the spokesperson for the Association when directed to do so by the membership of the Association. The President shall have the authority to engage in correspondence on behalf of the Association and, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, shall have authority to execute contracts on behalf of the Association. The President shall, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint the chairs of any standing committees of the Association including such vacancies as may occur. The President may serve as an ex officio member of all standing committees.

  5. The Vice President shall act for the President in case of the absence of the President. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as the President or the Board of Directors may assign.

  6. The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording of the minutes of all meetings both of the Board of Directors and of the membership of the Association. Unless stated otherwise within the resolution, all resolutions shall expire and be removed from the active list one year after adoption or at such time as the issue is resolved by a legislative body. A resolution may be renewed by majority vote of the membership. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as the President or the Board of Directors may assign.

  7. Should the Association require a treasurer, the Treasurer shall collect all the funds of the Association and disburse the funds as stated in Article IX, Section 6, and maintain accurately the financial records of the Association, and shall be a signatory on all accounts of the Association. The Treasurer will ensure that an independent review of the Association’s books is made in April before the new Treasurer assumes office. The Treasurer shall prepare a proposed budget for presentation to, and approval of, the membership at the January meeting of each year. The proposed budget shall contain statements of proposed expenditure for both operating expenses and community projects. The proposed budget shall be presented to the Board of Directors at its January meeting.

  8. The Directors at Large shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.



Nominations may be made from the floor at the membership meetings. All nominees shall be members of the Association at the time of their nomination.


  1. Elections shall be held at the December membership meeting, after the nominations are closed. 

  2. Where written ballots or other method of counting votes is used, the President shall appoint three tellers to assist in the vote count. The results of the vote shall be announced before the adjournment of the December Meeting.

  3. All officers and Directors at Large shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at the Board meeting following elections.

  4. Terms of office for all officers and Directors At Large shall run from January 1st to December 31st. The term of office for Board members shall be three (3) years.  Elections are held annually. All seats for which the current Board members have served the maximum number of terms are up for election.

  5. In the event the President is unable to complete his term, the Vice President shall succeed to the position of President for the remainder of the unexpired term and shall be eligible for nomination and election to the office of President in the year immediately following such succession. If the Vice-President assumes the office of President, a Director-At-Large shall succeed to the position of Vice-President until the call of a special election and shall be eligible for nomination and election to the office of Vice-President in the year immediately following such succession.



  1. Regular meetings of the membership shall be held every month.

  2. The President of the Association may call special meetings of the Association, other than regularly scheduled meetings.

  3. A majority vote of the Board of Directors shall be necessary to pass any measure.



  1. The Board of Directors shall meet regularly each month and at the call of the President. The President shall preside at meetings of the Board but shall only vote in case of a tie. A majority vote of the Board shall constitute a quorum. A majority of the Board members present shall be required to pass any measure.

  2. 2. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the ongoing operation of the Association. 

  3. If any officer, Director at Large or Representative misses three consecutive or a total of six meetings, the Board of Directors shall be empowered to recommend to the general membership that the officer or Director be replaced.



1. Roberts Rules of Order, Current Edition, shall govern the operations of the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws. These by-laws shall govern in case of such inconsistency.



These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the Association by a vote of two-thirds of those present, provided that the proposed amendments have been submitted in writing to the members at least 10 days prior to the date of the regular or called membership meeting. Such submission of the proposed amendments shall be either by mail or by the means ordinarily used to distribute the newsletter. The Board can make special accommodations for those who may not be able to be present but wish to vote.


Approved by the Board of Directors and Membership November 11, 2021

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